søndag den 30. marts 2008

Abishek: Bed no. 9

Endnu et interview med en af vores patienter, som blev fundet af Nino og Carsten i starten af vores ophold hernede. De foerste to billeder eer taget af Carsten da de fandt ham og en anden ung dreng paa gaden i Delhi.
Hvis du har lyst til at stoette Abishek og alle de andre her paa stedet, saa gaa ind paa Cafe Retros hjemmeside og bliv medlem eller giv en gave. Tak for stoetten - Abishek og alle de andre her paa Ashram'en siger tak.

Abishek is 19 years old. He grew up in the holy city of Varanasi, in the state of Uttar Pradesh. His father had a small tea stall and his mother was a typical Indian housewife. He grew up with his younger brother in a middleclass family where they had everything they needed to maintain a decent lifestyle. His mother used to teach him and took good care of him. His eyes light up everytime he speaks about her.

His mother died when he was around 10 years old and his father remarried. His father didn’t take the same responsibility, and neither did his stepmother. She used to beat him, and at the age of 18 Abishek had enough. He ran away and left for Delhi in search of a better life. He went nearby New Delhi Train Station and tried to find work at a tea stall like his fathers’. He needed an ID-card which he did not have to get a job, so after a short time in Delhi he started to roam around. Whenever he was hungry he went to the Gurdwara (temple) where they would serve free meals and he kept himself alive by doing this.

On the 26th of January a policeman found him by Jama Masjid in Old Delhi and droped him outside of Delhi. The cities in India and Delhi in particular are trying to get rid of the poor and destitutes because they don’t look good on the image of a city like Delhi. The Commonwealth Games are coming up in 2010 and the city of Delhi want to look as clean and nice as possible, to impress all the visitors. That means no space for the 4 million really poor people that live in the city of Delhi, and that means they have to find a way to get rid of the people we do not like to look at.

Abishek found himself in an area with no shops and nothing to eat. Quickly he lost strength and started to become really sick. After a few weeks a gentleman came up to him and told him that he could go to Yamuna Bazaar by the Hanuman Temple and get food there. He walked some 15-20 km back to the city and found the Temple, and 2-3 days after he was found by Nino who brought him to the Ashram. He was very weak and couldn’t speak much and after a few days he was brought to the hospital where he was admitted. He had lost a lot of blood, so two of the volonteers (Anders and Maria) from the Ashram donated one unit each. If they didn’t do it he could be forced to wait for a long time, and still then the Ashram would have to pay for it themselves.

After almost two weeks at the hospital he returned to the Ashram. Still weak, but full of strength compared to what he was like before. He has been renamed Curious George, because he likes to touch everything. When he arrived the first time, he seemed like a mental case, but after regaining strength he seems to be understanding most things. Thanks to his mothers education he speaks a bit of English, and he likes to use it.

Abishek is a sad story with a turn which led him to the life he has restarted at the Ashram.

1 kommentar:

lotte sagde ...

Hej Anders....

Det er et fantastisk stykke arb de gør der nede...
Det er utroligt at man tager en stakkels mand og smider ham ud af byen fordi han er fattig og hjemløs.Man kanslet ikke sætte sig ind i de forhold....
Håber i har det godt alle tre...
Hils alle fra mig...
Mange knuzzzr lotte og vi ses i overmorgen